Stay Compliant & Safe—CAT & Genny Certification Explained

The goal of CAT and Genny training is to teach workers how to identify and steer clear of subterranean utilities, including but not limited to cables and pipes, when excavating roads or pavements.

CAT and Genny scan procedures, equipment usage, potential risks, and safe techniques for locating subterranean utilities are all covered in the course. According to HSE requirements, a CAT and Genny scan must be performed before work starts, and the legislation mandates that the proper safety measures be implemented when it comes to cable location. Your employees must obtain their CAT and Genny if they are expected to perform excavation work.

What does a CAT and Genny scan entail?

A Genny 4 Signal generator is used in conjunction with a CAT (Cable Avoidance Tool), also referred to as a CAT detector. When the CAT is in the Generator mode, it collaborates with the Genny to trace signals. The CAT has three modes.

To make sure delegates are competent with various functions and the correct use of equipment, training courses will include a practical session.

Who Requires Training In CAT And Genny?

Anyone assigned to cable avoidance work or in charge of managing an excavation project should take our CAT and Genny training. This covers workers, engineers, supervisors, and site managers.

Any damage to underground wires has the potential to result in death or serious harm, as the HSE has pointed out. Employers are required by law to implement safety and life-saving measures. The following actions must be taken to control risk:

  •  Organising the task beforehand
  •  Making use of cable plans
  •  Making use of cable finding tools
  •  Using safe excavation techniques

Additionally, according to the HSE, CAT and Genny scan operators must have had extensive training on the limitations and usage of the equipment.

What Is Covered In A Cat And Genny Course?

The course will cover buried service plans, electromagnetic theory, related risks and hazard avoidance, law and guidance, and a thorough overview of equipment.

Along with other useful skills like underground service location and ground markings, course participants will also learn about the limits of Genny 4 Signal generators and CAT detectors.

Obtaining Certification In CAT and Genny

Delegates will receive a certificate upon course completion that is good for three years. Rebooking a training session is essential for any workers or operators whose certification has expired.

Sygma Solutions Ltd can provide a training course that can be completed according to the schedule. Contact Sygma Solutions Ltd today.

Reduce Risk & Stay Compliant with Online Cable Avoidance Training

Give workers the know-how to operate the Cable Avoidance Tool (CAT) and Signal Generator (Genny) properly. The basics of CAT and Genny are covered in this training program, along with detailed instructions on how to utilise these instruments to find and steer clear of subterranean utilities. Participants in this approved online cable avoidance training acquire useful skills to avoid subterranean service hazards following HSG47.

About 60,000 cable strikes occur annually in the UK, making underground cable strikes a persistent and significant issue for workplace safety. Contact with previously routed and buried cables and pipelines is a risk associated with all excavation activity. This is because the majority of the infrastructure that makes our luxuries possible flows beneath our feet:

  • Cables for electricity
  • Cables for telecommunications
  • Pipes for the water supply
  • Pipes for sewage
  • Pipes for natural gas

Excavating is necessary for the installation and, on occasion, maintenance of these. Therefore, it is necessary to work around all other nearby buried utilities.

Keeping your employees and the public safe is the main reason people avoid cables. Pipe and underground cable strikes may indicate:

  • Severe electric shock from handling live wires or using metal objects
  • Exposure to natural gas or pressurised water blowouts
  • Natural gas inhalation
  • Explosions or fires caused by starting a natural gas leak
  • Exposure to the health risks associated with sewage leaks

These mostly affect excavation workers, but serious risks like natural gas leaks can impact the entire workforce at your job site or even the local population.

Who Can Benefit from the CAT and Genny Course?

Operators and supervisors engaged in excavation projects can benefit from the CAT and Genny course, which teaches users how to use these tools to identify and steer clear of subterranean utilities.

Important duties include:

  • Performing risk analyses and putting safety precautions in place
  • delivering sufficient instruction on the use of Genny and CAT
  • Making sure that CAT and Genny scans are performed before beginning any excavation
  • CAT and Genny equipment should be regularly maintained and inspected.

What the Sygma Solutions Ltd Training Covers

The online cable avoidance training consists of:

  • Thorough but understandable explanations
  • Upon completion, a certificate
  • The most recent best practices in the industry

Learning Results

  • Recognise the parts of CAT and Genny equipment.
  • Learn how to use these tools to identify utilities precisely.
  • Understand how important it is to use Genny and CAT.
  • Discover how to do equipment pre-use inspections.
  • Find out what the law says about excavation safety.
  • Learn the exact steps for utilising Genny and CAT.
  • Discover how to get ready for excavation with the right paperwork.

Candidates who successfully complete the course will normally receive a three-year ID card and a certificate of CAT and Genny training. Please be aware that the training provider will accredit any certifications granted.

Maximising the Potential of Cat and Genny Tools

At Sygma Solutions Ltd., we’re aware of the importance of precision utility location for safe excavation. Cat and Genny tools, namely Cable Avoidance Tools (CATs) and Signal Generators (Gennies), are crucial towards this end.

These tools are usually applied alongside each other to provide a solution that’s formidable in detecting and tracing buried utilities. In this blog post, let’s see how to make the most out of Cat and Genny tools in order to secure optimal performance as well as safety.

First and foremost, you must sign up for CAT and Genny training courses at Sygma Solutions Ltd. Then, you can follow these strategies to maximise the potential of the tools:

  • Understanding the Principles: A good understanding of the fundamental principles of how CATs and Gennies operate is critical. We stress training that addresses the fundamentals of signal transmission, detection, and interpretation. Knowing these principles enables operators to make sound decisions regarding equipment setup and operation.
  • Selection of Appropriate Frequency: Gennies will usually provide more than one frequency. Picking the correct frequency for the intended utility being found is most important to enable the best signal transmission and detection. It is advised that one follow the manufacturer’s recommendation and pay attention to the kind of utility and ground conditions when selecting the frequency.
  • Correct Grounding: Accurate signal reception and transmission require proper grounding. We recommend that proper grounding of the Genny to a correct earth point be ensured. This reduces interference and location accuracy.
  • Sweep Techniques: Having proper sweep techniques is essential in uncovering the area adequately. It is advisable to use a systematic grid pattern in order to guarantee that no utility is omitted. Overlapping sweeps also enhance the accuracy of the location.
  • Signal Boosting: In certain cases, the signal from the Genny will require boosting to enhance detection. We suggest employing proper signal boosting methods, including hooking the Genny directly to the utility or employing the use of a signal clamp. This has the potential to increase the range of the signal and enhance the precision of the location.
  • Elimination of Interference: Interference from other metal objects or electronic devices can impact the quality of the readings. We recommend being conscious of sources of potential interference and taking measures to reduce their effects. This may include shifting away from the source of interference or modifying the settings on the CAT.
  • Depth Estimation: Most CATs provide the facility to estimate the depth of the underground utility. We advise using this facility with caution and cross-checking the depth by other means, like potholing, prior to excavation. Depth estimation can be a helpful facility, but it must not be solely depended upon.

At Sygma Solutions Ltd., we are committed to offering the CAT and Genny training and equipment required for safe excavation methods. By learning and applying these tactics, operators can realise their Cat and Genny equipment’s full potential.

Understanding the EUSR Certification Process for Cat and Genny Operators

At Sygma Solutions Ltd., we recognise the important role that effective training and certification play in maintaining safety and efficiency in utility detection. The EUSR Cat and Genny operator certification is an important qualification for individuals working in excavation and underground utility detection. This certification guarantees that professionals possess the required knowledge and skills to use Cable Avoidance Tools (CAT) and Signal Generators (Genny) safely and efficiently.

What is EUSR Certification?

EUSR is a standalone registration body that certifies workers in the energy and utility industries. Their Cat and Genny training course provides operators with the knowledge necessary to locate underground cables and pipes correctly, minimising the risks of excavation. Having an EUSR certification not only adds to the credibility of operators but also guarantees adherence to industry standards and best practices.

The Certification Process

The process of obtaining EUSR certification involves several key steps:

  • Enrolling in an Accredited Training Course

The first step is to enrol in a recognised training course, such as the one offered by Sygma Solutions Ltd. Our comprehensive training covers both theoretical and practical aspects of using Cat and Genny equipment effectively.

  • Classroom-Based Learning

Operators receive theoretical training involving the understanding of underground utility plans, identifying possible hazards, and learning about electromagnetic location principles. We make sure that our participants understand core concepts before we proceed to their practical applications.

  • Hands-On Practical Training

Practical sessions enable trainees to apply Cat and Genny tools in real-world situations. In Sygma Solutions Ltd., we offera structured setting where trainees can implement their knowledge in controlled environments, mimicking real work conditions.

  • Assessment and Examination

On successful completion of training, candidates have to pass an examination that verifies their theoretical knowledge and practical competence. The test guarantees that operators are able to locate underground utilities safely and correctly prior to the commencement of excavation activities.

  • Registration and Certification

After passing the test, candidates are awarded their EUSR certification, which is renewable every three years. Their information is recorded in the EUSR database, giving employers and contractors documentation of their qualifications.

Why is EUSR Certification so Important?

  • Improve Workplace Safety – Trained operators can pinpoint underground utilities more accurately, avoiding expensive and potentially hazardous strikes.
  • Compliance with Regulations – Various organisations and contractors insist on the EUSR certification of workers for compliance with statutory and safety measures.
  • Increased Efficiency – Training allows operators to get their job done with higher precision and confidence, reducing excavation project delays.
  • Career Development – Having an EUSR certification adds to professional qualifications, and individuals become more desirable to employers within the construction and utility industries.

Become a certified EUSR CAT and Genny operator today with Sygma Solutions Ltd. Call us to find out more about our EUSR CAT and Genny training courses and start your journey towards more effective, safer utility detection.

CAT Training From Sygma Solutions

It is fair to say that, in the UK, most of the services that we need run underground in cables, pipes, and trenches. If they didn’t the landscape would be littered with ever more pylons and cables and pipes on the surface, so it is accepted that as far as possible they should be underground.

Underground, of course means out of sight, which is why we put them there in the first place. It also means that they cannot get damaged by vehicles running over them, storms, floods, and more.

All of which is, to use the old phrase, fine and dandy. Until it comes to the point when you need to repair or replace them, run pipework or cables along existing tracks, or something blows up and needs urgent attention.

Most people never think about any of this, of course, because as long as they switch the light on, and it comes on, that is all that they are interested in. Fair enough.

Finding The Right Cable Or Pipe Can Be A Serious Problem

However, if you are an operative working for any of the utility companies who has the perhaps unenviable job of digging down, finding the right cable or pipe, and then repairing or replacing it, then it becomes a serious problem. Not to put too fine a point on it, how do you find the cable or pipe that you need? How do you know exactly where it runs? The short answer is that you don’t, unless you happen to have accurate plans of where the service is laid.

Equally, how do you know that you are not going to hit and damage something else? You don’t. You may obtain plans from the other service providers in the area, but how do you know that they are accurate? You don’t.

The only answer is to carry out a thorough survey of the area before you even think about starting to dig. Fortunately, we have some very advanced tools that enable one to do this, in the form of the CAT and the Genny – abbreviations for Cable Avoidance Tool and Signal Generator.

Even then they have certain limitations, so you cannot just pop down to the shop and buy them. You need thorough CAT training in the use of them.

At Syma Solutions, we have over 100 years of combined experience in the use of these tools which is why we provide CAT training courses that teach operatives how to use them in all different circumstances, and – most importantly – the limitations that they have. If you don’t fully understand these, you could make a very unfortunate mistake.

Our HSG47 Training Teaches You Everything You Need To Know

One of the most important things when breaking ground anywhere is to avoid striking any one of the dozens of underground services that may be present on the site. As a minimum, striking an underground service is very likely to put it out of use, and so it will need to be repaired.

However, that is the minimum. The cost of repairing / replacing some underground services can run into many thousands of pounds. But even that is not the worst of it: while the service is out of action it can result in massive loss of income for some businesses, and there is the likelihood that they may well take legal action to recover their losses.

Even worse is that there can be danger to life. Striking an 11,000-volt cable can cause injury, and in some cases death. There is an average of around a dozen deaths of workers caused by such strikes every year.

So, it goes without saying that before even pushing a spade into the ground it is essential to carry out a survey of the site in order to establish exactly what sort of utilities are present, where they run, and how deep down they are, so that they can be avoided as digging commences.


This is why the Health and Safety Executive has produced HSG47 (Health and Safety Guidance 47) that covers everything that you need to know. While it is aimed primarily at risks to health and safety, it will nonetheless help to protect services from strikes and all of the other issues that may result.

At Sygma Solutions we provide HSG47 training which will teach operatives how to follow the guidance in order to keep workers on site safe as well as protect underground services.

HSG47 guidance is divided into four chapters as follows:

  • Identifying and managing the dangers
  • Planning the work
  • Detecting, identifying and marking underground services
  • Safe excavation

Obviously, the first thing is to identify the services that are on the site and where they run. This is done using the various tools involved – chiefly the CAT (Cable Avoidance Tool) and Genny (Signal Generator). Only after carrying out this survey can the planning of the work begin.

It is also important to note that, while obtaining plans from the utilities in the area is a first step, they cannot be relied upon. Many are out of date and many more do not even exist!

There is obviously a lot more to cover, but our HSG47 training covers everything that you need to know when carrying out any sort of excavation.

Sygma Solutions’ CAT and Genny Training for Safer Operations

Giving your employees and contractors access to the proper equipment is a crucial component of ensuring the highest safety standards, along with utilising best practices. Prioritising safety will protect workers and site visitors from harm in addition to ensuring compliance.

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Learn to Safely Use CAT and Genny Tools for Excavation Projects

CAT and Genny Training give workers the know-how to operate the Cable Avoidance Tool (CAT) and Signal Generator (Genny) properly. The basics of CAT and Genny are covered in this training program, along with detailed instructions on how to utilise these instruments to find and steer clear of subterranean utilities. Participants in this training acquire useful skills to avoid subterranean service hazards in accordance with HSG47.

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Cable Avoidance Training for Safe Digging and Excavation Work

Who is the CAT and Genny course for?

The CAT and Genny training courses would be useful for anyone whose job involves the safe and proper use of cable avoidance equipment. For example, any workers or supervisors in the UK who are responsible for identifying subterranean equipment in buildings or repairing roads and highways.

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Cable Avoidance Tips: Avoid Errors with Expert CAT & Genny Use

Underground utility finding necessitates a thorough understanding and use of CAT and Genny equipment. Despite their critical role in preventing hazardous incidents, inappropriate use or disregard for some standards can result in costly blunders. Here in our CAT course, we outline typical mistakes to avoid to ensure the highest accuracy and safety in your locating endeavours.

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Courses Availability

If the course you are looking for has no dates or you would like a course built for your company please contact for current availability and booking form

Open Days

Please contact us about open days

PAS128 Utility Mapping Training Modules mapped to CICES competencies

–  2 days

Module 1 – Pas 128 Level D &C training to include level 3 assessment – CICES GEUS01 A-D

–  3 Days

Module 2 – PAS128 Level B Training – can include Level 4 assessment – CICES GUES01 E-I

Please contact for future dates and a booking form

2 Day Advanced EM Course (RD8100/8200 & VIVAX)

In depth course covering electromagnetic locators, theory and intensive practical on our real world training site.

Cost: £295 per person
Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan

5th – 6th September 2024

Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan

Please contact us for future dates and a booking form

1 Day Mala GPR Module 1 – Theory & Practical

Cost: Contact us for price (2 spaces F.O.C. with Mala GPR Purchase)
Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan
Dates: Contact Us
Please contact us for future dates and a booking form

1 Day Mala GPR Module 2 – Post processing

Cost: Contact us for price (2 spaces F.O.C. with Mala GPR Purchase)
Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan
Dates: Contact Us
Please contact us for future dates and a booking form

2 Day GPR – All Manufacturers

Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan
Dates: Contact Us

Please contact us for future dates and a booking form

5 Day TSA & ICES Approved 5 Day Utility Mapping Course

Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan
Dates: Contact Us

Location: Worcester

Dates: Contact Us

Please contact us for future dates and a booking form

1 Day Public Genny & CAT Course

Cost: £175 plus VAT
Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan
Please contact us for future dates and a booking form

Level 3 Utility Mapping Qualification – All Online

Cost: £275 PLUS REG FEE
Location: Online
Dates: To suit

Level 5 Diploma Utility Mapping Qualification – Online Workbooks – followed by assessment

Cost £1100 PLUS REG FEE
Location: Sygma Solutions training centre or your site
Dates: To suit

Open level 5 assessment dates at Sygma Solutions, Wigan

Level 5 Diploma Utility Mapping Qualification – in 5 days

Cost – contact us
Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan

2nd – 6th September 2024

Sygma PAS 128 Utility Surveyor Training Including Proqual Level 3 Utility Mapping and Surveying
Please contact us for future dates and a booking form

Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan

12th – 16th August 2024 Limited Availability

14th – 18th October 2024

25th – 29th November 2024

16th – 20th December 2024

Level 3 Utility Mapping and Surveying Public Course

12th – 13th August Limited Availability

14th – 15th October 2024

25th – 26th November 2024

16th – 17th December 2024

Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan

GPS Course & Total Station Introduction

This is a 2 day dedicated GPS course with an introduction to Total Station

Please contact us for future dates and a booking form

Please contact for future dates and a booking form

Please contact: for current availability and booking form

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