Reduce Risk & Stay Compliant with Online Cable Avoidance Training

Give workers the know-how to operate the Cable Avoidance Tool (CAT) and Signal Generator (Genny) properly. The basics of CAT and Genny are covered in this training program, along with detailed instructions on how to utilise these instruments to find and steer clear of subterranean utilities. Participants in this approved online cable avoidance training acquire useful skills to avoid subterranean service hazards following HSG47.

About 60,000 cable strikes occur annually in the UK, making underground cable strikes a persistent and significant issue for workplace safety. Contact with previously routed and buried cables and pipelines is a risk associated with all excavation activity. This is because the majority of the infrastructure that makes our luxuries possible flows beneath our feet:

  • Cables for electricity
  • Cables for telecommunications
  • Pipes for the water supply
  • Pipes for sewage
  • Pipes for natural gas

Excavating is necessary for the installation and, on occasion, maintenance of these. Therefore, it is necessary to work around all other nearby buried utilities.

Keeping your employees and the public safe is the main reason people avoid cables. Pipe and underground cable strikes may indicate:

  • Severe electric shock from handling live wires or using metal objects
  • Exposure to natural gas or pressurised water blowouts
  • Natural gas inhalation
  • Explosions or fires caused by starting a natural gas leak
  • Exposure to the health risks associated with sewage leaks

These mostly affect excavation workers, but serious risks like natural gas leaks can impact the entire workforce at your job site or even the local population.

Who Can Benefit from the CAT and Genny Course?

Operators and supervisors engaged in excavation projects can benefit from the CAT and Genny course, which teaches users how to use these tools to identify and steer clear of subterranean utilities.

Important duties include:

  • Performing risk analyses and putting safety precautions in place
  • delivering sufficient instruction on the use of Genny and CAT
  • Making sure that CAT and Genny scans are performed before beginning any excavation
  • CAT and Genny equipment should be regularly maintained and inspected.

What the Sygma Solutions Ltd Training Covers

The online cable avoidance training consists of:

  • Thorough but understandable explanations
  • Upon completion, a certificate
  • The most recent best practices in the industry

Learning Results

  • Recognise the parts of CAT and Genny equipment.
  • Learn how to use these tools to identify utilities precisely.
  • Understand how important it is to use Genny and CAT.
  • Discover how to do equipment pre-use inspections.
  • Find out what the law says about excavation safety.
  • Learn the exact steps for utilising Genny and CAT.
  • Discover how to get ready for excavation with the right paperwork.

Candidates who successfully complete the course will normally receive a three-year ID card and a certificate of CAT and Genny training. Please be aware that the training provider will accredit any certifications granted.

Common Challenges in Cable Avoidance and How to Overcome Them

At Sygma Solutions Ltd., we recognise that cable avoidance is an essential part of construction and excavation activities. Accurate detection of underground utilities prevents unnecessary damages, disruption of services, and, above all, potential risks to employees and the general public.

Even with the implementation of sophisticated machinery such as the Cat and Genny, cable avoidance remains a problem.

In this article, we discuss some of these issues and how they can be successfully overcome.

Operator Errors Due to Inadequate Training

Misuse of Cat and Genny equipment can result in missed or misread cables, making damage more likely.


  • Provide operators with extensive training, as the courses offered by Sygma Solutions Ltd. do.
  • Hold regular refresher courses to maintain skills at their best and current.

Outdated/Inaccurate Utility Maps

One of the most prevalent problems operators encounter is using inaccurate or outdated utility maps. Such records might not indicate recent changes to infrastructure, raising the potential for utility strikes.


  • Always cross-check maps with a site survey prior to excavation.
  • Utilise the most advanced technology, such as ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and electromagnetic detection equipment.
  • Cross-check maps with several data sources where possible.

Ground Conditions

Some types of soil, for example, wet or clay-based soil, will interfere with the reception of signals and decrease the efficiency of detection equipment.


  • Adjust equipment settings for varying ground conditions.
  • Make multiple passes with various frequencies to enhance accuracy.
  • Use auxiliary tools such as signal clamps or sondes for better readings.

Interference from Adjacent Utilities

Superimposed signals from various utilities may render individual lines difficult to identify.


  • Apply frequency filters and signal differentiation methods.
  • Employ systematic scanning patterns to demarcate overlapping signals.
  • Refer to experienced professionals for challenging detections.

Time Pressure Resulting in Hurried Surveys

In close project timelines, operators can be in a hurry to detect utilities, which will lead to errors.


  • Provide enough time for proper surveys.
  • Promote a safety and accuracy culture over speed.
  • Utilise pre-dig meetings to emphasise the need for cautious cable avoidance.

Final Thoughts

Cable avoidance is crucial for safety and efficiency in excavation works. By overcoming these shared risks through effective training, the use of suitable equipment, and a systematic approach, operators can sufficiently minimise the threats of utility strikes.

At Sygma Solutions Ltd., we offer top-of-the-line training programs to equip experts with the capability and experience necessary for efficient cable avoidance. Get in touch with us today to discover more about our training programs and how we can assist you in maximising safety on your construction sites.

Want To Save Time And Expense? Our Online Cable Avoidance Training Is Ideal

At Sygma Solutions, we are well-known throughout the UK as the foremost provider of training courses in the area of location of underground services. Indeed, our team has a combined experience of over 100 years in the location and identification of them, so we know everything that there is to know. We also supply and service the Mala GPR equipment, so we have hands-on experience of those from the ground up – literally!

We have been providing courses at our offices in Wigan for many years combined with onsite training and practice in the use of the various tools – the CAT, Genny, and GPR – so that our students are able to take advantage of our expertise. Let’s face it: the use of these tools not only requires a total understanding of what they can do and how they do it, but it is also essential to understand that they do have certain limitations. So, for instance, under certain conditions, a CAT may show that there is nothing on the site that you have just surveyed, when in fact there is.

A very simple example of this could be the depth of the service. Some tools can only read down to a certain depth, so if the service is below this it will show as nothing there. Our courses cover what to do in these situations.


You may well remember that, back in 2020 we had Covid. What this meant was that it was not possible for people to meet up in a classroom in order to learn the principles of underground searches. However, that did not mean that operatives did not need training, so we very quickly produced classes of online cable avoidance training. This meant that operatives could continue to attend the classes without physically being present.

The classes were run by our experts using a system which meant that attendees could ask questions and get answers in the same way as if they were physically present. Our online cable avoidance training proved so popular that we just carried on using it.

That means that, today, you can learn all of the classroom teaching from your own home or office. It saves you all of the costs associated with staying away from home for four or five days, but you still learn all the tricks of the trade.

Of course, you do need to carry out the practical part of the work on site, so you can come to us at Wigan for this, or in many instances we can come to you. Call us to discuss your requirements.

Enroll in Cable Avoidance Training to Prevent Utility Strikes

CAT and Genny Training: What Is It?

The goal of CAT and Genny training is to teach workers how to identify and steer clear of subterranean utilities, including but not limited to cables and pipes, when excavating roads or pavements.

CAT and Genny scan procedures, equipment usage, potential risks, and safe techniques for locating subterranean utilities are all covered in the course. The law mandates that the proper safeguards be taken with regard to the locating and marking of cables, and HSE rules state that a CAT and Genny scan must be completed before work starts. Your employees must obtain their CAT and Genny certificates if they are expected to perform excavation work.

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Cable Avoidance Training for Safe Digging and Excavation Work

Who is the CAT and Genny course for?

The CAT and Genny training courses would be useful for anyone whose job involves the safe and proper use of cable avoidance equipment. For example, any workers or supervisors in the UK who are responsible for identifying subterranean equipment in buildings or repairing roads and highways.

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Cable Avoidance Tips: Avoid Errors with Expert CAT & Genny Use

Underground utility finding necessitates a thorough understanding and use of CAT and Genny equipment. Despite their critical role in preventing hazardous incidents, inappropriate use or disregard for some standards can result in costly blunders. Here in our CAT course, we outline typical mistakes to avoid to ensure the highest accuracy and safety in your locating endeavours.

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Reduce Risks and Stay Ahead: Ultimate Cable Avoidance Training

Beyond the features and capabilities of cable avoidance technologies, the goal of this course is to teach attendees a better grasp of the fundamental components of a safe work environment and the most effective methods for locating hidden utilities. Our online cable avoidance training will assist you in safeguarding your employees and underground infrastructure.

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Mastering Cable Avoidance: A Guide for Operators and Supervisors

The primary goal of this course is to provide supervisors and operators with the abilities and knowledge required to perform cable avoidance tasks effectively.

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Stay Safe & Recognise the Hidden Hazards of Underground Services

Understanding Underground Services

There are several underground services available. Unless otherwise demonstrated, assume they are there and keep in mind that they might not always follow a straight path. Pipes, cables, and other equipment related to gas, electricity, water (including piped sewage), and telecommunications are examples of underground services. They can also incorporate additional pipes that move different petrochemicals and other fluids. Cable avoidance training has become crucial while working in such places.

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Cable Avoidance 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Safe Digging

Part of the necessities of our daily living are underground utilities, such as gas, water, electricity, and communication lines. These also bring potential dangers during excavation. This is where cable avoidance comes in.

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Courses Availability

If the course you are looking for has no dates or you would like a course built for your company please contact for current availability and booking form

Open Days

Please contact us about open days

PAS128 Utility Mapping Training Modules mapped to CICES competencies

–  2 days

Module 1 – Pas 128 Level D &C training to include level 3 assessment – CICES GEUS01 A-D

–  3 Days

Module 2 – PAS128 Level B Training – can include Level 4 assessment – CICES GUES01 E-I

Please contact for future dates and a booking form

2 Day Advanced EM Course (RD8100/8200 & VIVAX)

In depth course covering electromagnetic locators, theory and intensive practical on our real world training site.

Cost: £295 per person
Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan

5th – 6th September 2024

Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan

Please contact us for future dates and a booking form

1 Day Mala GPR Module 1 – Theory & Practical

Cost: Contact us for price (2 spaces F.O.C. with Mala GPR Purchase)
Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan
Dates: Contact Us
Please contact us for future dates and a booking form

1 Day Mala GPR Module 2 – Post processing

Cost: Contact us for price (2 spaces F.O.C. with Mala GPR Purchase)
Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan
Dates: Contact Us
Please contact us for future dates and a booking form

2 Day GPR – All Manufacturers

Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan
Dates: Contact Us

Please contact us for future dates and a booking form

5 Day TSA & ICES Approved 5 Day Utility Mapping Course

Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan
Dates: Contact Us

Location: Worcester

Dates: Contact Us

Please contact us for future dates and a booking form

1 Day Public Genny & CAT Course

Cost: £175 plus VAT
Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan
Please contact us for future dates and a booking form

Level 3 Utility Mapping Qualification – All Online

Cost: £275 PLUS REG FEE
Location: Online
Dates: To suit

Level 5 Diploma Utility Mapping Qualification – Online Workbooks – followed by assessment

Cost £1100 PLUS REG FEE
Location: Sygma Solutions training centre or your site
Dates: To suit

Open level 5 assessment dates at Sygma Solutions, Wigan

Level 5 Diploma Utility Mapping Qualification – in 5 days

Cost – contact us
Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan

2nd – 6th September 2024

Sygma PAS 128 Utility Surveyor Training Including Proqual Level 3 Utility Mapping and Surveying
Please contact us for future dates and a booking form

Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan

12th – 16th August 2024 Limited Availability

14th – 18th October 2024

25th – 29th November 2024

16th – 20th December 2024

Level 3 Utility Mapping and Surveying Public Course

12th – 13th August Limited Availability

14th – 15th October 2024

25th – 26th November 2024

16th – 17th December 2024

Location: Sygma Solutions training centre, Wigan

GPS Course & Total Station Introduction

This is a 2 day dedicated GPS course with an introduction to Total Station

Please contact us for future dates and a booking form

Please contact for future dates and a booking form

Please contact: for current availability and booking form

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